Friday, March 16, 2007

My first blog on Blogger

I'm Paritosh. Born on 1st August, 1978. So that makes me a 28 years old. I also... ummm.....

I have
always had problems with starting such articles. Though, once i get in the flow, i can't stop! there are so many things to talk about, to share, to discuss; how can a person ever say all that he wants to?

Over the course of time, i'll be putting more articles here. Some original, some from my previous blogs on other sites. Which brings me to the real reason why i have started blogging on Blogger.

I started the blogging journey with rediff blogs. But after some time i forgot the password to it (or maybe rediff disabled the account after i stopped accessing it for ages!). Then i started a new blog on yahoo 360. The problem with this one is that for people to put comments on my blog, they need to have a yahoo account. Which in my opinion is ridiculous!

A friend suggested blogger. So here i am. Blogging again. Writing a 'My first blog' again! Waiting for comments again.

Like i said earlier, i will be adding more articles from my previous blogs as well. Infact thats going to be most of the posts on this blog till i'm all out of more articles. Then i need to search for a different writer to plagiarize!

So friends, romans and countrymen! ok, strike off the romans and countrymen part, lend me your ears. For i have nothing, something and everything to say!!!



Ravish said...


Anonymous said...

The Whale has come you mean?

Ravish said...
